Work history is up-to-date as of document release.

  1. IBM
  1. Theta
  1. Arrivo (Currently Bloccoli)
  1. GrowthOps
  1. NanoverseHQ

Joining Web3, a growing bean.


Joining Web3 was an exhilirating journey, being there to see 2 cycles of highs and lows of Web3, and investing from the sidelines and staking with DeFi. With Anime as a passion in mind I started looking out for potential Web3 pioneering projects. One came to mind = Azuki, which has created a community no other Web3 has accomplished for the past 2 years.

With technological advancements in mind, they have uplifted provenance on ERC-(Ethereum Request for Comment ) 721A batch minting. Link for repository, also together with the PBT [EIP-5791] technology (hardware and software).

I have seen the highs and lows of every (meta) outcome of newly released tokenized projects, understanding the business case behind it watch the projects execute. Being a part of it in NanoverseHQ as well.

I am also super excited about the Optimism Superchain where they want to scale Optimism and other chains participating into a single super-chain which enables seemless transaction between chains.

The other community that I have joined are the Miladies which consists of developers handling low-layer Ethereum execution and participating in core Ethereum solutions.

I have also witnessed the rise of brands, solutions (both niche and widespread) - be it decentralized social networks, lending platforms, purchasing platforms, analytical platforms born from decentralization itself.